Career in Painting of Fujyo Kato

1985     I was involved in *Tokoku and painting as a hobby.
        (*Tokoku; carving Chinese characters on the pottery)

1985 July Gushuten.I performed painting of Bunjin-ga on *Fusuma(2.4mx7m) at
        the local library. (Fusuma; sliding papar door)

1987 Jan. I got the highest award in "Fusuma painting contest".
        I had a chance to travel to France as an extra prize.
    Sep. I performed painting of Bunjin-ga at "Japanese Art Exhibition" held in

1988     I performed painting Bunjin-ga at "New Year Art Exhibition" held in
        Ginza, Tokyo.

1989 Jan.  I visited the USA for the performance and the lecture of Bunjin-ga.
    Jan.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga at a ceremony of Japanese restaurant.
    Feb.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on a golden *Byobu at "Japanese-in-
         Dallas gathering." (*Byobu; folding screen )
    Feb.  I preformed painting Bunjin-ga at Dallas museum.
         My work was donated to Dallas city and I was bestowed Dalass city's

1989 Oct.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on twenty-one Fusuma at the car-shop
         In Handa city, Aichi.

1990 July  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on twelve Fusuma at the Jyoraku temple in
         Handa city. ( this was shown on TV)

1991 May  I painted on 40meter wall for the movie"Edo-jo Tairan"
    Aug.  I started writing for the column of a magazine"Shubi" about "literary
         Painting" It was serialized for four years.
    Oct.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at6 Industrial center in

1992 Jan.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on thiry Fusuma at Tosen temple in
         Horai-cho, Aichi.
    July  I started teaching Bunjin-ga at the Asahi culture center in Nagoya,Aichi.

1993 Jan.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on eight Fusuma at Jiun temple in Chita
    Aug.  This performance was shown on TV titled "a man in spotlight"
    Nov.  I was invited to Dallas for forty days.
         I gave lectures at Green Hill school there.

1993 Dec.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on ten Fusuma at Kansoin in Kyoto.
1994 July  I held one-man show of my paintings at Bankaku gallery in Nagoya.
    Nov.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga at the party Ritsuko Kawamoto, city
         council member.

1995 Mar.  I performed Bunjin-ga on two Byobu at Hanshin earthquake charity in
         front of Nagoya station.
    April.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on twelve Fusuma at Kansoin temple
         In Kyoto.
    April.  I performed Bunjin-ga on two Byobu at "Friend Aichi Party"
    June  I performed painting six Fusuma at Kyoto Dall museum.
    July  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on twelve Fusuma at Kansoin temple.
    Oct.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on ten Fusuma at Kansoin temple.
         This performance was shown on TV.
    Dec.  I painted Bunjin-ga on Byobu for TV program.

1996 Jan.  A TV station televised my works in a special program for thirty minutes.
    Mar.  My works were exhibited with Mr.suga's painting works at Kuwayama
         Museum, Aichi.
    June  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on a set of Byobu at Okada shrine in
         Chita city.
    July  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on twenty-four fusuma at Ryugen
         Temple in Aichi.
    Sep.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at Atsuta shrine.
    Nov.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at Kamejima
         Elementary school in Nagoya. Ms.Ohashi lectured about Bunjin-ga and
         my performance.

1997 Apr.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at Meito museum in
         Nagoya. It was aired on NHK and CBC . This Fusuma was donated
         for a charity.
    June  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at Rinsho temple.
    Aug.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on eight Fusuma at the Fuso culture
         Center, Aichi. I t was with musical performance by Hungary musical
    Nov.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on Byobu at the community center in
         Tokai city, Aichi.
    Dec.  I painted Bunjin-ga on four large hanging scroll at Kukoku temple,Nagoya

1998 Apr.  I preformed painting Bunjin-ga on eight Fusuma at the outdoor stage in
    May  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on three sets of Byobu at the memorial
        Party in Tokyo.
    June. I performed painting Bunjin-ga on eight Fusuma at Kansoin temple in
        Kyoto. NHK televised this work. A psychology professor Dr.Okada
        Selected me for his study" the process in which the art is born"
    Dec  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four fusuma at Torin temple in Mie.

1999 Sep.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at Shinmei shrine in
        Chita city.
        I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at Pittsburgh Pupil
        Museum in the USA. USA TV televised this work.
    Oct.  NHK BS televised a special program of my career in Bunjin-ga.

2000 Jan.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at Okada Jiun temple
         Nagoya TV televised this work.
    Apr.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at Meito museum in
         Nagoya city.
    May  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at Yagoto museum in
         Nagoya city.
    Aug.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at the memorial
         Ceremony held in Handa city.
    Sep.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on eight Fusuma at Tentokuin temple
         In Chita city.
    Nov.  I lectured on Bunjin-ga at Nagoya university.
    Dec.  My career was televised by Chita cable TV.
         I performed painting Bunjin-ga on six Fusuma at Chuoh Hish School in

2001 Mar.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on six Fusuma at a Japanese restaurant
         In Chita city.
    Apr.   I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four fusuma at Kansoin temple in
    July  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four fusuma at Gesshin temple in
         Mie pre.
    Oct.  I performed painting bunjin-ga on eight Fusuma at Kinpo hall in
         Nishio city, Aichi.
    Nov.  I performed painting bunjin-ga on sixteen Fusuma at Daiju temple
         in Okazaki for the exchange ceremony with Korea.
    Dec.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on eight Fusuma at Nagoya
         International hall.

2002 Jan.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on one hundred and tenFusuma at
         Nagoya Baseball Dome. They were extended to one hundred meters long
         and it took three days to complete.
    Jan.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on six Fusuma at the celebration on
         a new house in Nara.
    Nov.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on a set of Byobu for the charity of

2003 Jan.  I started to paint Bunjin-ga on a scroll of 228meters long at Chubu
         Junior high school in Chita city.
    Feb.  The process of this work was televised by CBC TV.
    Apr.  I performed painting bunjin-ga on sixteen Fusuma at Kansoin temple
         in Kyoto.
    June  My essay was picked up in the magazine" Research on Nagoya Famous
    July  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma at Rakusho-kan in Mie
    Sep.  I visited Afghanistan for performing and lecturing about Bunjin-ga at
         the orphans' home.
    Nov.  I completed 228 meters Bunjin-ga painting on "Momosuke Bridge" in
         Gifu. This was televised by CBC TV.

2004 Mar.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on eight Fusuma at Tokuun temple
    May  I lectured on "Bunjin-ga" at Kuwayama museum in Nagoya.
    Aug.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on two Fusuma at Tokugen temple
         in Kobe.

2005 Nov.  I painted sixteen Buddhists on a big paper at "Ryosoku-an" in Gifu.
    Dec.  I painted *"Nirvana at my studio.
         (*Nirvana; an ideal stage in Buddhism)

2006 Apr.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on ten Fusuma at Kansoin temple
    Dec.  I attended " Nanjing massacre memorial ceremony" held in China.
         There I was very moved to be said " We miss the artist like you in

2007 Mar.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on four Fusuma in fifteen minutes
         At the Poetry meeting.
    Mar.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on Byobu at the alumni association of
         Handa High School.
    June  I lectured on "Bunjin-ga" at Kuwayama museum.
    Aug.  My works' exhibition "Searching for Bunjin-ga" was held at Meito
         Museum for twenty-five days.
    Sep.  I wrote the title of TV drama. The drama was televised in Kyushu
         The drama was televised in Kyushu district, also I appeared as an
         Actor in the drama.
    Nov.  I dedicated Byobu of my picture to* Kagaku temple.
         (* Kagaku temple; kira Kozukenosuke family temple)

2008 Apr.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on two Fusuma at Kansoin.
    July  I performed painting Bunjin-ga on two Fusuma at the wedding
         ceremony .

2009 Jan.   I started to paint a huge landscape on 1000- meter- long paper.
    Mar.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga oneight Fusuma at Anyou temple
         in Saitama.
    Nov.  I painted landscape on the paper of 50cm long,500cm wide in 5 days
         This work is for China,Korea and Japan cultural forum.
    Dec.   I performed painting Bunjin-ga at the ceremony of Daimyo temple
         in Yangzhou, China.
    Dec.   I performed painting Bunjin-ga on the paper(140cmx70cm)at
         Bunpo temple in Yangzhou.

2010 Apr.  I performed painting Bunjin-ga(500 hundred* rakan)on eight Fusuma
         at Kansoin temple. (*rakan; a kind of saint)
    Oct.16   I preformed painting Bunjin-ga in two hours on eight Fusuma, at
         "Umemori Housing Center" in Nagoya.
    Oct.26   I preformed painting Bunjin-ga on four Byobu atthe ceremony for the
          statue of Ganjin returning to his born place held at Daimyo temple,
          I also dedicated my picture of 228meters long, which I had painted on
          Momosuke bridge in 2003.

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